Words of Advent


For many, Christmas is one of the most eagerly anticipated holidays of the year—a season of giving, where friends and families come together to celebrate and exchange gifts.

However, Christmas transcends mere holiday festivities; its essence resides in the Son of God, Jesus. In an extraordinary display of love, He assumed our humanity (while remaining truly God) to embark on a crucial mission: to save us from impending judgment due to our sins.

In this Bible Study with Dr. Mark Rae, we will delve into how Christmas can be summarized in four significant words: Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace. The more we understand these words, the better we appreciate what Jesus has done for us.

Join us in exploring the meaning of Advent by examining Jesus's life and sacrifice through the lens of grace. Let’s rediscover what Christmas is all about—the love of God in Jesus! Register now to get the recording!


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About the Instructor

Dr. Dave Anderson

Dr. Mark Rae

Dr. Mark Rae is the Vice President of Community Development at Grace School of Theology and the Executive Director of Grace Center for Spiritual Development. He holds a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degree from Grace School of Theology.

He spent half of his career in sales and marketing and the other half in church and parachurch ministry as an Associate Pastor, COO of an evangelistic ministry, Executive Director of a discipleship ministry, and Lead Minister.

Mark is married to Melissa and they have two grown children, Ryan and Sean, and five grandchildren.

Grace Center for Spiritual Development is continually making valuable resources to help develop spiritual leaders in the church and in the marketplace. Help us reach more people with the love of Christ, a love that cannot be earned and cannot be lost.
