Grow Deeper in Grace
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Download these free study guides to use for personal or group study.
Engage with God’s Word through our Bible Studies, Challenges, Webinars, and Prayers. Grow in grace together with Christians around the world when you sign up for free!
The Doctrine of Rewards: Living Today for Eternal Rewards
A Bible Study with Dr. Mark Rae
What if every moment of your life as a follower of Christ carried an eternal significance? The Doctrine of Rewards and the Judgement Seat of Christ offers a transformative perspective—one that bridges the gap between our daily lives and our eternal future. Far from being a distant theological concept, this doctrine is an invitation to live with purpose, joy, and hope.
Don’t miss this opportunity to uncover the eternal value of your life. Join this 12-session Bible Study with Dr. Mark Rae onsite at Grace World Headquarters or online via Zoom, Tuesdays at 10 am starting this January 28 - April 15, 2025.
Learn MoreGrace Theology Press Book
Going for the Gold
Discover the eternal impact of this life’s decisions, words, thoughts, and actions.
Saving the Saved
Our destination is heaven, but our destiny is to bring heaven on earth every single day. Choose to live a life of significance when you go deeper into the things of God.
The Power of His Touch Through You
It’s easy to talk about victory in the mountain tops but who gives glory in the valley of pain? Who finds strength in brokenness?
Books of the Bible
Greek Reading Group: Ephesians for Everyone
Are you ready to conquer Koine Greek? We will tackle every word of Ephesians, mastering the pronunciation, verb, noun forms, and how clauses work together to help you appreciate this book deeper! Sharpen your exegetical skills through effective scripture interpretation, gaining valuable tools for your personal Bible study.
Follow Me : The Story of Jesus Christ
Follow Jesus Christ’s journey for our redemption foretold in the Old Testament and finally culminating in the New Testament in just three years of His powerful,
earthly ministry.
Know This—A Bible Study
on 2 Peter
By knowing Christ deeply, intimately, and experientially, we are able to grow and do what God has designed us to do.
Gain the right perspective about who you are in Christ and how you can live like Christ
Songs of Praise
When you find yourself in a seemingly impossible situation with no help, no hope and no way out, what do you do?
Taking Chances
Are you willing to trust God and take chances in your life in faith and love?
The Book of Jonah: The Compassion of God
Discover the depths of God’s compassion and grace in our lives.
The Book of Ruth
When we are lost and needing to be found, what does our good God say to us?
The Great Shepherd
Get to know our Great Shepherd and find comfort, peace, and assurance for every circumstance.
The Servant of the Lord
Witness the unfolding of Jesus’ life of service as the Servant of the Lord in the Gospel of Mark.
Truth and Love: A Study on 2 and 3 John
Learn about the foundations of truth and love and how they together behave.
Who Wrote the Book of Love
Are you willing to bring this love to the world He came to save? People are waiting for you and eternity is ready for the harvest.
Christian Living
Faith Foundations
Conquer the doubts that the enemy casts and prepare to present your beliefs confidently to the world.
How on Earth Can I be Spiritual?
What does it look like to live the abundant life in Christ in a fallen world?
The Waiting Season
Pastor Erick Hoskin shares his personal story of being ready to pursue the dream of ministry God placed in him—only to be left in a holding pattern. If viewed negatively, this waiting season can seem like a waste of time—yours and God’s.
Strong at the Broken Places
When life breaks us, what does God do to bring strength and beauty out of our brokenness.
Living in Light of
Our brief stay here on earth matters so much more when we begin to live it not just for now, but also for eternity! You are not alone in this discipleship journey, so we encourage you to join this Bible study.
Deeply Rooted
Life often throws unexpected challenges and trials our way. In this study, "Deeply Rooted", we will explore how to respond when life becomes overwhelming, adversity seems unending, and darkness surrounds us. As believers, how can we remain faithful to honoring God and shining His light in the midst of overwhelming circumstances?
Security & Significance: Building a Life That Matters, For Good
As human beings, our hearts resonate with a deep longing for security and significance. We yearn for assurance, but we also desire to make a lasting impact—to create a life full of meaning and purpose.
Figures of Faith: Unveiling Faith Through Iconic Lives
Ready to embark on a life-changing journey of faith? Join us in this captivating Bible study with Katherine Barner as we explore the inspiring stories of iconic figures who grappled with faith in diverse circumstances.
Understanding Jesus
He is Risen
This bible study outlines essential points in each event that will prove invaluable to believers who want to grow deeper in their relationship with their Savior, as well as give you important insights that will help you share your faith effectively with the people you want to reach.
The Uniqueness of Christ
What makes Jesus unique and how does His uniqueness impact our lives today? The more we look to Jesus and understand who He is, the more we can be shaped in the image of Christ, and the less we are impacted by the world.
Back to the Garden
Why work? That is a question that every adult must answer and that every young adult should be thinking about. Did you know that the Scriptures have a lot to say about work? Not ministry work but plain and simple work? This is where most people spend the majority of their waking hours. Since that is the case, then understanding what the Bible has to say about work is very important. You might be surprised at what God has to say about your work.
Learn MoreEternal Security
What does the Bible say about the security of our salvation? If you are unsure about your security in Christ, find answers in this booklet written by Dr. Dave Anderson, Founder, President, and Professor of Systematic Theology and Biblical Languages at Grace School of Theology.
Learn MoreFirst Steps to Sexual Purity
Can a believer experience sexual purity when everything around him says to indulge and enjoy it? The Bible says yes! Take the first steps to sexual purity through this booklet based on the book Stormproof Men, written by Dr. Roger Fankhauser, Adjunct Faculty at Grace School of Theology and President of the Free Grace Alliance.
Learn MoreGrace. Simple. Profound.
Grace is the greatest gift ever offered to all. Jesus paid the full price to grant you life, forgiveness and redemption. This is grace. This book, provided by Grace friend Ptr. Scot Pollok of Faith Bible Church, aims to start you on a journey of understanding grace in its simplicity and also in its wondrous depth.
Learn MoreMaximum Joy
Grace is the greatest gift ever offered to all. Jesus paid the full price to grant you life, forgiveness and redemption. This is grace. This book, provided by Grace friend Ptr. Scot Pollok of Faith Bible Church, aims to start you on a journey of understanding grace in its simplicity and also in its wondrous depth.
Learn MoreSports Devotions for Today from Paul’s Writing
Embrace God’s unique role for you as an athlete and the influence you can have in the world around you. Even if you’re a family member, sports chaplain, ministry leader, or friend, you will learn through Paul’s writings that we are all called to run the greatest race of all as participants rather than spectators.
Learn MoreThe Right Time
How will you prepare to celebrate the birth of the Savior of the World this year? In this advent devotional by Mark Rae, Executive Director of the Grace Center for Spiritual Development, we will be looking at five people (or groups of people) who were present for the coming of Jesus, and we will look at how they prepared for His arrival.
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